True grit movie
True grit movie

true grit movie

Even though she is only 14, Mattie easily manages to one-up the more seasoned Colonel in her dealings with him. Mattie proves that she can hold her own while engaging in some literal horse-trading with Colonel Stonehill. Ryan is played by the actor Hank Worden, who appeared in several John Wayne movies, including the character Mose Harper in the John Ford directed classic, "The Searchers". Ryan has a sign on the door that he has gone to the hanging, and he has signed it, "R. Ryan is the undertaker, seen when Mattie and Yarnell go to see her father's body. LaBoeuf is, of course, the Texas Ranger who goes with Rooster and Mattie. Quinn is a Marshall, but he is "the straightest."


Quinn appear in the movie and neither is mentioned again. When the sheriff describes Rooster as not only the meanest but, "double tough, fear don't enter into his thinking", she asks "Where can I find this Rooster?" Neither Bill Waters nor L.T.

true grit movie

The sheriff begins to mention Marshalls and the first one he names is Bill Waters, the best tracker. He mentions three, telling her "the meanest" is Rooster Cogburn. Mattie wants to have Tom Chaney, who killed her father, brought to justice, and asks the Fort Smith sheriff who the best Marshall is, since the sheriff has no jurisdiction in the Indian Nation.

true grit movie

She walks up to Cogburn after the hearing to make her proposition, and says to him, "They tell me you're a man with true grit." The Defense counsel attempts to paint Cogburn as a trigger-happy killer, but this only seems to strengthen Mattie's resolve in her choice of Marshal. Mattie reveals that she is probably more interested in vengeance rather than justice when she asks the Sheriff, "Where can I find this Rooster?" Mattie eventually sees Marshal Cogburn at the Courthouse, where he is giving evidence in the prosecution of one Otis Wharton. Quinn, because he tries to bring his prisoners in alive, and believes that "even the worst of men is entitled to a fair shake". After some thought, the Sheriff concludes that the best Marshal is L.T. He tells her that William Walker is half Comanche and the best tracker, and that the meanest Marshal is Rooster Cogburn, who he describes as "a pitiless man, double tough and fear don't enter into his thinking". "It would have to be real money, though, to be persuasive." When Mattie asks for the name of the best Marshal, the Sheriff has to think it through. "Well, nothing prevents you from offering a reward and so informing the Marshals," the Sheriff says. Marshals, so she enquires about placing a bounty on Chaney's head. The Sheriff informs Mattie that Chaney isn't a very high priority for the U.S. Mattie obtains an empty flour sack from the proprietress of the boarding house to tote the gun around, as she plans on using it to avenge her father's murder, if the law fails to do so. Chaney, however, does not steal Frank's gun, which is collected by Mattie, together with the rest of her father's belongings, from the boarding house later in the film. We see Chaney fleeing the scene, but not before robbing Frank of "his life and his horse, and two California gold pieces that he carried in his trouser pant".

true grit movie

When Chaney returned to the boarding house to retrieve his rifle, Frank tried to intervene and was shot for his trouble. While in town, Chaney lost all of his money to drink and cards, and became convinced that he was being cheated. We learn in Mattie's voiceover at the start of the movie that Frank Ross had employed Chaney as a hired hand, and that the pair had traveled to Fort Smith to collect a string of Mustang ponies that Frank had purchased from Colonel G.

True grit movie